About Us
At B's Boutique & Things, we know that being a woman means balancing a ton of different things at once. And it's not just having to balance the things you want to do with the things you have to do-it's also trying to balance what you feel like doing with what you SHOULD be doing.
You know: the fact that you WANT to wear comfy clothes, but sometimes you feel like you SHOULD dress up? Or sometimes you want to be a fierce boss lady, but instead you feel like you SHOULD be a soft, nurturing mom?
We believe that YOU are the only one who gets to decide whether or not your outfit is comfortable enough or potent enough or soft enough. We believe that it's vital for women to wear pieces that are flexible and adaptive as they are. Our goal is to create a space for you to feel safe and express yourself without fear of judgment and to make it easy to move through the world in a way that feels true and authentic to you-while also feeling comfortable, beautiful, and bold. Let's try something new. Let's put the pressure on the people who have never experienced your life. Don't let others determine what's right for you.
Buy the clothes that match your personality, not society's.